What is Courts de Sciences?

What is Courts de Sciences?

Courts de Sciences is a French festival of scientific short films and debates. It literally means ‘Short of Science’.

Each year, during a week, three main scientific topics are developed in an innovative and fun way to show people that science can take place in their everyday life.

Thus, during the Festival of Science, Courts de Sciences organize several screenings of shorts films (animations, documentaries, fictions) followed by debates between the audience, scientists and professionals of these particular topics.

The screenings’ aim is to show different points of view on a topic, to make people open their minds and wonder about a subject related to science. Then their interrogations and observations can be discussed with scientists and professionals to get a better understanding of the topic.

Each session is composed by 45 minutes of screening, followed by 45 minutes of debate.

Courts de Sciences is a free event which takes place in Clermont-Ferrand, France. It is open to children and adults.


  • What is the Festival of Science?

Created in 1991 and managed by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Festival of Science favour exchanges between the scientific community and the general public.

Each year in France, more than one million of visitors are welcomed by nearly 7000 scientists.

Different kinds of activities exist (animations, expositions, debates, etc), but the main goal is still the same:  discover science and meet scientists in a concrete, friendly and fun way.